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By far our most popular form of enquiry involves fat loss, either as a primary or secondary objective. It's an area we've built a lot of expertise in, and have been cited for expert commentary in publications such as British GQ, and The Daily Mail.


We never make false promises or wild guarantees. Rapid weight loss of ~1kg/week is attainable through consistent adherence to a diet and exercise programme. We help you expedite that process with 1-1 training sessions and specially tailored nutritional guidance.


The good news is that losing weight can be simple and non-restrictive, once you understand a few basic concepts.

State-Of-The-Art Body Analysis

We use top-tier body scanners to assess your body composition (fat, muscle, etc.). Accurate data lets us perfectly pinpoint your plan and ensure you're on track through your fat loss journey. .


If you don't enjoy numbers and measurements, you can skip the scans and rely on other indicators of success.


A person standing on a body fat scannerwith their thumbs on the front electrodes.
Female PT talking to a male weight loss client in a gym.

We Prioritise The Areas You Care About Most

You may be especially keen to change certain areas (e.g. arms, belly, legs). We take this on board, and focus on reducing body fat percentage in those places right from the start.


You'll be listened to and catered for, with training specific to what's most important to you.

We've Been Through The Journey Ourselves

Many of our team started in a similar position to you. They all took an academic approach to their weight loss, and achieved amazing results forging a passion for fitness along the way.


You'll be treated with kindness and understanding by trainers who understand the challenges you're facing. It will take dedication, but we're here every step of the way.

Personal trainer before and after showcasing a dramatic loss in body fat.
Personal trainer with a female client doing focused core work to change the body fat percentage in her stomach.

Lose Fat, Then Keep It Off

There are places that will promise you massive weight loss in extremely short periods. What they don't do is leave you in a position to maintain it. In fact, they leave you standing no chance.


The most crucial element of successful weight loss is adherence over time. We guide you through the transition to a new lifestyle where maintaining your goal physique is no longer a conscious effort.

We Plan Every Step Of Your Fat Loss Journey

We plan precisely how much fat you'll lose and by when. We come up with this plan together, accounting for your lifestyle, goals, personalty and preferences.​

Diet Analysis

Written Plan

Calories & Macros (Optional)


What Fat Loss Training Will Involve

Nutritional support in the form of a written personal diet strategy, and tailored written analysis based on your current diet.


Improving your base metabolism so that you're burning more all the time.


A progressive programme of resistance training to keep muscle whilst cutting fat.


A kind attitude that allows for setbacks along the way, without compromising on results.

Male personal trainer showing a woman how to stand at the top of her deadlift movement.

What Fat Loss Training Won't Involve

Running on a treadmill until you collapse in a pile on the floor.


Being shouted at for a lack of effort as you reach the brink of consciousness.


Restrictive and unrealistic diets that are ineffective and don't account for daily happiness and busy schedules.

The Weight Loss Process

Stage 1: Increase base metabolism & calorie output

Stage 2: Programme a small calorie deficit

Stage 3: Energy is taken from existing fat stores.

The First Step

Personal trainer with a female client and a laptop on the desk going over a proposed training plan.


Takes place via phone call, zoom, message or in person.

We'll message you within 24 hours to confirm your time.

Get In Touch



Our service covers most of west London (zones 1-2). 

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